Cultivating life on a little family farm in the Shenandoah River Valley...Looking for adventure every step of the way.

Friday, July 30, 2010
The Summer for Family...
Just a week and a half after our return from Wisconsin Bill (Dowies) and Jeanne (Abua) Turkel came for their annual summer visit to Kent Farm. The main event on our schedule was to attend the Steam Tractor Show at the Clarke County Fairgrounds. Jon and Bill decided to drive in the 31 Chevy Coupe. They even parked in the exhibitors area and people were checking out the Chevy. The odd cars out were those fully restored, that is to say, the Chevy was amongst its peers.
The heat was astonishing and has been for sometime and it followed us to the Tractor Show. Wheewwweeee it was hot. Jeanne was very tactful on finding shade from one booth to one tree to the next booth to the next tree...We were on to her and began to follow.
Because of the heat the majority of activities thereafter where surrounded by water. Visits to our neighbors pool and soaking in the Shenandoah River. We have some fun pictures for we are now proud owners of an Olympus Tough 6020 Shock Proof and Waterproof camera (our old one, rest it soul, broke on the Wisconsin Trip.) It takes great outdoor shots as you can see. We wish the shutter speed was a bit quicker and we miss our old one for its quickness...
Chapin was showing off his new swimming, jumping and underwater diving skills to Abua and Dowies. He really enjoyed jumping in belly first and then swimming down to pick up a rock. It was so cool! He navigates pretty darn well under the water for he keeps his eyes wide open! Good on you Chapin!
Dinners were very good as I enjoy making fresh food for the family. From the garden we had a beautiful Puttanesca Sauce from all the lovely tomatoes, a quinoa salad with fresh carrots, cucumbers, zucchini. and stuffed Bang Thang (rice paper) rolls with fresh vegi's and a peanut sauce. We also celebrated Bill's B-day with fresh coffee ice cream, homemade pound cake, and (purchased) berry pie. Thank you Cathy for lending out your ice cream maker. It was a hit! Needless to say we didn't go hungry.
We did get to experience a major storm just coming off the river on Sunday. Trees were down and the river was being blown back up at us with small sticks hitting us in the face. Even knocked Bill right over since he was carrying two tubes which acted like sails. It was crazy! We were out of electricity for the rest of the evening until the morning. We are still without phone and may not get that back for 3 weeks!? What!? It would be fine not having a phone if cell phones actually worked in the house...But guess what? They do not.
Thank you Bill and Jeanne for making the trip. As always our time together allows us to grow closer. Chapin is sad that you are gone and can't understand why all his Grandparents can't live closer. Many thanks for all you kindness and support. Smiles~
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