Sunday, June 26, 2011


There are certain people that enter you life that will be your "Best Friends Forever..."That is true of  Bru and Vic that Jon became friends with in Steamboat, CO over 15 years back.  We haven't seen each other for a while and both our lives have changed with location/situations, yet the deep foundation of friendship goes on.  Jon and Bru are two peas in  a pod!  Very refreshing to see them enjoying each others companion and just chillin' as each know how to do.  I told Vic that they are just "too cute together!"    

Our time together was jam packed with excitement as times at Kent Farm offer.  We had fun on the river, swimming in the neighbors pool, excursions walking up the creek bed,  a trip into DC on the bikes, hikes, playing and a close connection made with Chapin, Ben and Sofia.   We are so grateful they  make the effort to come visit and we know we will see each other sooner then later.  There is nothing like a good friend!

Ben on the zip line...A favorite among the kiddos
Creek bed adventure...
Upper part of Kent Farm Creek...Having a blast!
Exploring, exploring, exploring...We were out for hours with the kids and they did just great!

Bike o'rama...Vic on Sofia's bike, Bru and Sofia on the tandem, Ben in the trailer.

The Capital Building...I just love this shot

Late nights catching firefly's...Sleeping with them and then letting them go.

River trip...Sofia and Chapin together in the double kayak.  The did great and Sofia is a natural paddler.

Performance that Sofia directed.  Jon and I decided that we may want to adopt and older sister that is so kind and caring like Sofia.  Anybody know where we may find one of those?

The Talmadge's and the Turkel's
Girls hike on the AT with no kids...Just Vic and I.  What a treat!

Monday, June 13, 2011


This is absolute heaven for a five year old boy that loves construction. A new waterline is being dug for the frame house...Chapin is in awe. Our friend Christy Dunkle gave him the "hook-up" as she is friends with Brad Broy the owner of the company. This is going to be hard to top!
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