Bill, Turi, and a barley visible Chapin in the backseat of the bug, returning from a hike at the old Virginia National Golf Course property. |
Chapin tucked in blaze tree |
It was a great Thanksgiving holiday spent with Bill and Jeanne Turkel, down from Connecticut. They arrived on Tuesday and the next several days were devoted to balancing the schedule between hiking and eating! One of the highlights was exploring the old Virginia National Golf Course, just 3 miles downstream from the Farm. The golf operation is no more, and the property has been purchased by the Civil War Trust. The future plans are unknown to us locals, but one thing we do know is the trails are great for hiking or biking along the river floodplain. Bill, Jeanne, and Turi hiked the front nine loop, while Chapin and Jon biked the same. Chapin found a golf ball along the way, and some fun games of 'soccer golf' were played on the old greens. Thanksgiving Day a more traditional hike on the Appalachian Trial was enjoyed while the turkey baked. However many calories were burned on hike up is unknown, but that didn't stop us from using the exercise as justification for just one more helping of... well everything!
Hiking the AT to the Bears Den viewpoint. |
Getting ready to dig in! (and note the home made wine courtesy of Arron Stern) |
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