Monday, September 10, 2012

What Do We Say Now?

I guess sorry.  We have been distance, but it is a pattern.   Summer comes and the blog goes by the way side.  So there you go…At least we are all aware of this!
On that note, we would like to share with you some insight of our summer and cross our fingers that we are settled for the time being to share more often.   
Summer has been rich!  We traveled to the beach, Wisconsin and then a solo anniversary trip.  So much travel…So much thanks to Bill & Jeanne Turkel for coming down and watching Chapin for a week!  Our garden fared well with lovely goodies growing…Chapin is back in school and is a big 1st grader…Jon is doing well working hard as Park & Stewart Planner and I am still enjoying instructing yoga class. 
So that’s it in a nut shell.  Enjoy some fun pics and see you next time, which I promise shouldn’t be long. 

Smiles -TJC
Blessings from the garden...
Fantastic fig harvest this year...
Bountiful garlic...
Yummy potatoes...
Smoky Mountains, NC
One of the most beautiful trails we have hiked...Great Smoky Mtn. National Park.
Oh the joy of Chapin...So colorful, full of life and energy.  We love him so!
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  1. Thank you for catching us up with photos and words of your blessed life, Turi! Big hug from Seattle to each of you.

    Love, Jenny

  2. hugs back...thanks you for you!

    love - turi

