Sunday, November 13, 2011

Many Apples Up on Top...

Fall harvest of apples happened this year.  Yahoo! Not from our apple trees for the deer did accomplish gorging themselves...But from a work friend of Jon's that owns an orchard.  Weather conditions this year brought many apples to the ground.  So many of this ground apples are in perfect condition and they are unable to sell them.  So we picked and picked and picked...Oh yeah and picnic our lunch our away yesterday.  Today we make applesauce, dried apples and juice.   Busy, busy with all pitching in to help.

Late season Frederick County apples

Picnic in the orchard
One apple up on top

Look you, I can do two!
Two apples up on top...
I am so good they will not drop!
Master peeler getting apples ready for applesauce
Dried apples from the dehydrator
Applesauce cooking on the wood stove

Dried apples ready for storage, roughly 8 apples per jar.


  1. Yum! Those dried apples in glass jars look so mouth-watering! Nice job Chapin and family!

    Geo's sister Jenny, who is quite the applesauce fan

  2. Hi Jenny...

    So nice to see you here. Thanks for all your support and kind words. I would happily feed you applesauce if you were here. So yummy and nourishing.

    Your awesome, by the way. Love -Turi

