Halloween is not a big happening in our household, at least both Jon and I do not buy into all the craziness of it. Chapin has not been that exposed to it because of the above. Let me just tell you we are not sheltering him, we just are not interested in stuffing his face full of candy! Yet, this has been the very 1st Halloween Chapin has shown some interest in. Mostly, I believe, because of school and his friends. So, we partake...Trick or Treating and all!
To start I asked him what he wants to go as and he says a ghost. I say "excellent," yet was really thinking "this will be an easy costume!" So that was the plan, until he saw this cat hat in a store and decided he wanted to be a "scary" black cat. I still said "excellent" for this was an easy direction to pull off. Poof a tail, cat hat and some black long johns and there you go...A "scary" black cat. Oh and you remember the last post and how much he adores James and Charles? Well he has been running around for weeks pretending (he call it the Cat Game) to be a cat. Walking on all fours with shoes on his feet and hands. It is pretty funny, until he starts to eat grass like the cats and tries to climb on the shed roof to be next to Charles, who is running away from him at this point! Friday was a Halloween party at school with crafts and face painting.
Saturday (yes Berryville decreed Saturday Halloween) we decide to trick or treat with our friends the Russel's. The very first house Chapin runs up to has a scarecrow sitting in a rocking chair. Chapin gets to the house and the scarecrow moves!! Chapin jumps over the shrub running away from the door. Only to return to knock on the door to get some candy...What a brave soul!
Enjoying school Halloween party...Next to girlfriend cat! |
1st time he has allowed face painting... |
The family on the front porch! |
"You say you have a cat on your back?" Hope he doesn't scratch. |
Start Trick-or-Treating with beautiful sky...Check! Add the Russel's = FUN! |
Scarecrow to right on porch...Shrub to the back. Truly hilarious!! |
Hope you all had an enjoyable and happy Halloween!