Last weekend was a hard lesson on us all. Some how the chicken coop door didn't get latched. Basically we forgot! Not a good thing to do. So Jon went out Saturday morning to find one of our Rhode Island Reds had been "taken out." He saw one other chicken and figured that five of the six were eating. He was disturbed, devastated and sad as we were also. We went off to ski and upon our arrival home we were greeted by three chickens. Yahoo! Then two more came running around the corner. Bigger YAHOO! So lesson learned. We are very aware of the delicate balance of nature and wildlife here at the farm...So we know this will not be last incident. Farewell little red. Thanks for all your lovely eggs, you will be missed.
Around the farm, the first signs of spring come with the daffodils. As you see new life is growing here and there is a shift in thoughts and focus with spring coming. Skiing will come to an end next weekend...The garden needs to be tended to and spring crops planted...Chapin gets to move his indoor play outside and enjoy ever moment of it. Get out there and enjoy!
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