Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bye Bye Snow Resort

Much to catch up on...

Starting with saying "good bye" to the snow resort and the marvelous season it provided. The snow was wonderful thankfully because of all the wonderful, huge snow storms. We ended with a 70 degree day and the best slush skiing ever! Chapin took up using poles to get him prepped for next year and maybe joining the resorts "Rising Stars" program with the ski racing team. Will give him more of an opportunity to ski with other kids. The only hitch is he is suppose to be 6 years old, but since he has been skiing for a bit they may take him in. Thanks Bryce for the opportunity to have Jon train your instructors!

The pig walking ok?

We had one of the more interesting meals served in our house ever! Our neighbor Mike who lives in the log cabin headed down for a break in Florida a month back. On his way home he found an operation that allows you to hunt down wild boars in South Carolina. So he speared a boar and brought us home a leg and a roast. Funny for the family that doesn't really eat much meat. Jon being an ex-vegetarian will eat some chicken, turkey, fish and venison from the farm...But wild boar will be new to both of us. I found a recipe on Epicurious.com and it seemed well suited for the boar leg. After a week of marinating it was time to cook and eat. We were wishing that Jon's dad was around to help carve/cut the leg (he always does so with the turkey at Thanksgiving), but I did my best. Wild boars seems to be a bit "chewy", which gave Jon a hard time. Chapin on the other hand "really likes pig!" He kept asking for "more pig please!" Then he threw out "is the pig walking ok?" Hilarious. So little life lesson learned on all behalf's...Jon no likey wild boar, Turi ok with it just doesn't like to cook and cut it, Chapin "really likes pig meat" and wants more everyday! And the dogs next door really like the wild boar leg bone!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Where did the snow go?

60 degree temps combined with 3 inches of rain sent the remaining snowpack into the river. If only there had been a cold front in from the north we could have had our 3rd major snow event this year! The weekend was mostly a wash due to the rain but late Saturday it finally abated to mist. After taking a hike to see the swollen creek, Chapin decided to check out the water level on the River Road. Good thing for the trusty electric Jeep to keep him going!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

life lost...life grows

Last weekend was a hard lesson on us all. Some how the chicken coop door didn't get latched. Basically we forgot! Not a good thing to do. So Jon went out Saturday morning to find one of our Rhode Island Reds had been "taken out." He saw one other chicken and figured that five of the six were eating. He was disturbed, devastated and sad as we were also. We went off to ski and upon our arrival home we were greeted by three chickens. Yahoo! Then two more came running around the corner. Bigger YAHOO! So lesson learned. We are very aware of the delicate balance of nature and wildlife here at the farm...So we know this will not be last incident. Farewell little red. Thanks for all your lovely eggs, you will be missed.

Around the farm, the first signs of spring come with the daffodils. As you see new life is growing here and there is a shift in thoughts and focus with spring coming. Skiing will come to an end next weekend...The garden needs to be tended to and spring crops planted...Chapin gets to move his indoor play outside and enjoy ever moment of it. Get out there and enjoy!
