When I first presented the idea to Chapin about doing a triathlon I
thought he would be excited, instead I got, "No thanks, sounds hard." We backed off after than but ultimately he decided to give it a shot. On the way to the kids triathlon at Sherando Park, Stephens City, VA.

Chapin checked in and ready to go. Decided to go shirtless as they put a race number on your arm anyway, and saved the trouble to putting on a shirt when wet.

Here Chapin is taking a breather break from the 25m Crawl, first leg of the event.

Out of the pool and into the transition area.

The one strap shoes proved to be the key to a quick transition, that and no shirt.

Off to the start of the bike portion.

Go biker go!

And running through the finish gate! An event well done.
Happy and worth ever moment.... |
And 4th Place goes toooooooooooooo......Chapin Turkel! A great finish for this first timer, especially since he was the second youngest boy in his age group. Look out 6-8 year olds, we'll be back next year! |