Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmastime Happiness...

Chapin in the "good luck" tree.
One big happy family!
With Ellie Meyer...Chapin's longtime sitter and good friend.
Let the presents begin...
Lego's...His favorite!
Lego rescue boat from Abua & Granddad.
Carcassonne game from Krister, Sandy and Kira.  Chapin's new favorite game and he is not to bad at it.  He beat both Jon and I last evening.
James still is our Christmas kitty after all these years.  He loves Christmas morning with the boxes and bows.  His special treat showed up and he opened it all by his self.  Good kitty!
Catnip toy = Heaven!
At this point we have already been up for a very longtime...I do believe we look a bit tired!
Rescue boat building all by himself.
I HEART these boys!!!!
Christmastime is always fun and a bit hectic.  This year we were convienced not to enter into the craziness of it all...And I do believe we accomplished this.  Not to sound like a broken record, but we have so much to be thankful for that getting wrapped up in chaos just didnt feel right!

So we enjoyed having a peaceful morning to ourselves and a lovely group of friends by for the traditional Christmas brunch.  Chapin handled it all very well himself and had a blast building his lego's, airplane, etc.   We hope that this finds you all well and that you found peace in your celebrations.

Love to all - Turi, Jon & Chapin

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ready Steady...

Ready Steady...I do believe we are ready. 
Chapin certainly is. 
Oh the magic and wonder in his eyes...Cant wait till Christmas morning.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays
May Peace, Joy and Gratitude
Fill You Each Day!
Looking at the photos above reminds us how fortunate we are to have shared another fun filled year. Of course there are images throughout the year that didn’t make the cut…Another ski season, t-ball, visits from the Turkel grandparents and the summer trip to Wisconsin, which included great times with the Nevin side of the family followed up with a detour on the way home to Connecticut, catching up with the Turkel cousins. The summer in Virginia was marked with visits by friends from Oregon (the Tallmadge’s) and Colorado (the Hawley’s) and spent great times with both exploring the Shenandoah Valley, DC and catching up. At the end of summer Chapin started Kindergarten, his only disappointment is that he can’t go on the weekends. Unfortunately, the end of September ended with Jon getting hit by a car while riding my bike. By now the recovery is mostly complete, just physical therapy to go. On the upside, we have experienced the amazing support of family and community throughout the process. I thank you all for allowing us to see a world filled with caring and compassion, it is a wonderful sight. Now it’s time for snow and skiing!

Happy Holidays! Gratefully - Turi, Jon and Chapin
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tis the season...

Winter Wonderland...
Proof of Chapin's excellent photography skills.

Have jeep will travel....Have tree let's decorate!

The boys!

Garland made from Bitter sweet...It is so very sweet with twinkle lights at night. 
There you have it!  Another spacious tree found in our very back yard.  Boy she's a beaut!

Train up and running...Chapin is very, very happy.

Oh the joy of the holiday through the eyes of a child.  A deep sense of joy and what fun we are having.  Chapin was very helpful in getting the tree and decorating it.  He sure is growing up.  We sure are thankful for so much this year.  It is a big gift in itself.  This gift of life and gratitude for it.

Peace and love ... Turi, Jon and Chapin 
